
Russell and Esther got Married!

Russell & Esther Beazer married in the Cardston Temple on May 24, 2008. It was one of the wettest weeks of the year! It was not just raining, it was pouring. You will have to check out Esther's blog with some of the cutest photos of two of the happiest and wettest newlyweds you have ever seen. Catch up on Esther's life at  www.russellestherbeazer.blogspot.com 


He was one of us

This is one of my favorite paintings of the Savior by Morgan Weistling. I have this painting in my living room and it brings me peace to look at it. The painting is called, " He was one of us."

Thoughts to share about the Savior

Being creative is one of my favorite things to do! I try to think outside the box, so what am I doing here? This is definitely a box. But let's see what happens! I would like to start out by saying I am very grateful for life itself and the opportunities it  presents every day to enjoy, explore, experience, & excite the senses!  I am happy to see my children doing the same, enjoying life and all it has to offer. I feel grateful for my many blessings. The Lord has blessed me over and over with the desires of my heart to love and be loved! My love for the gospel grows each year and I find my thoughts turning to the Savior, not only at this time of year but every day! The Lord is my light, then why should I fear? By day and by night, His presence is near! I am truly grateful for my Savior and the love, support and friendship I feel everyday from Him who loves us all and wants to ensure our happiness through obedience to the teachings He so profoundly taught when He was on the earth. I pray that at this Christmas season we can all find reasons to reach out in love and concern for each other with real sincerity! May the reason for the season stand out in our actions and our lives!