
Cabin Time 2009

We had so much fun this year because all the kids have grown up and wanted to try some new things in the water. We got Caleb, Matthias & Eliza up on the kids water ski board. Caleb loved it the most and was weaving in and out of the wake. It was fun! But most of all we just enjoyed hanging out and eating and playing in the sun and the water. Grandma babysat with Lindsay while the big kids went white water rafting. We had fabulous weather and good company. No injuries, except my heart, when everyone left. Families can be together forever if you can just get through today!!


William Isaac Law May 29th, 2009

It was a happy day when Isaac was born! We were all so excited and surprised to meet Isaac. Adaline assured us that she was having a baby brother. Catherine Nicole said to Adaline one day, "What if your Mom has a little girl??? Adaline just looked at her in utter disbelief and said,
" My Mom is not having twins!" So we welcome this sweet little boy into our family and into our lives. He is a happy boy and shares his smiles most generously. We love you Isaac!!!

Europe with Martha

Martha and I had the opportunity to travel to Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. We saw many wonderful sights! The most sobering sight was Dachau, just outside Munich. I am so grateful for the freedom I have enjoyed throughout my life, nothing could ever really help you understand what those people went through but being there was sobering. The stories, the cramped quarters, the photos, the reality that humans can be so cruel to one another, makes me a little homesick for my Heavenly Home where I know love abounds. Arbeit Macht Frei is written in the gate that all the prisoners walked through. It means "Work makes one free"! Work is a blessing in our lives and gives us purpose for every day, work hard and you will find joy! This day will bring me tears as Martha leaves for Ecuador and her new life away from my daily association with her. Martha I love you and hope that you have the most amazing experience in Ecuador and Utah. Don't forget that love is the most powerful force in the world. Fill yourself with as much love for yourself and for everyone around you, go Martha and let your light shine!! I love you Martha!


New life in my window

We came back from being away for a week and left this window open at the cabin. A mother robin built her nest and layed 4 beautiful turqoise eggs! Two weeks later 4 baby robins were hatched one day at a time. Now they are almost ready to leave the nest! They are hungry all day and the mother is very busy feeding them so they can grow every day. We wake up to them chirping for food and several times during the day. It has been sweet!! We also caught a baby turtle, so cute!! We have seen wonderful sights this year with nature and the lake and weather has been soooooo beautiful!

Young Women's Echo Lake 2009

Dallas, Spencer, & Payton flying low on the tube of doom!

Mallory, Payton, Erica, Mandy, & Spencer jumping for joy!! We had so much fun together, swimming, wakeboarding, water rugby, water races, and just having fun! We also had Hilary Steed, Hillary Hironaka, Yael Davis, Dallas Sloan. I love these girls and their ability to have fun and love and support each other. I love working in Young Women's, best job ever!!!! and the leaders are amazing also!! We had Melissa Laqua and family, Julie Vaz and family, Jamie Walburger and family, Alisha Peterson and her family, we are so blessed to have fun together! Love all of you!!!!!!!!